Sunday, December 29, 2019

Effective Communication Is Important For All Ages Ranges

Effective communication is similar for all ages ranges although your tone, body language and terminology may differ to accommodate understanding. It is important in life to be treated as an individual and for others to treat you individually too. Effective communication leads to trust with an individual which helps in confidence, this in turn can mean individuals reach their full potential and possibly confide troubles. There are many elements to effective communication it is not only the words that are important. Your body language, eye contact, gesticulation and most importantly actively listening. It is important to understand what is being said to you and how to respond in the correct manner. Effective communication is important when†¦show more content†¦Professional relationships with parents and co-workers is very important, it is important to communicate in a professional manner about a pupil and solve any issues that may have arisen or for a parent to inform you of a family issue which may affect a childà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬TMs behaviour. Effectively communicating with a parent or co-worker will lead them to feel comfortable and able to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ ÃŒÆ'open upà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬TM about issues. Question: Question 2 Answer: Building a relationship with any age group is important. The most crucial factor is active listening. Listening to what they say, how they say it, taking note of their body language and tone. Repeating back the main points is a way of showing the message has been listened to and understood. Also asking questions will prove an interest in the topic. Consideration of others feeling and not making promises that cannot be fulfilled is very important when building a relationship and trust. Understanding that some cultures have very strong views and values and knowing that they must be respected is essential. Remembering personal information, for instance just remembering their dogs name shows you are interested in them , have listened to them and will earn respect. Courtesy and respect is a good way to form a strong relationship, remembering to be polite will enforce this, saying please and thank you. Being considerate to others. Sorting out disputes is

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Network Consultation Scheme Suitable Network Design

Network Consultation Scheme Student’s Name University Affiliation Network Consultation Scheme Suitable Network Design Many of the companies face hardship when it comes to the careful selection of a network design. However, the company must select an efficient kind of network type. The design must conform to the merchandize involved in the transaction even if they are produced by the different companies. It is because, merchandises that happen to be in the same level, will be regulated and controlled similarly. Smaller businesses does not necessarily need to get assistance from a much bigger IT department. For such like an organization, a perfect network design is required to be up front all†¦show more content†¦It is often from one source to another. This type of layer is also known to be executing various significant functions within the system. The major roles includes complex channeling roles. To some point, they are also capable to accomplish destruction of bad files within the system, while they also assemble together information and direct it to the relevant applications to solve them . LAN and Wireless LAN (WLAN) Wiring Considerations. It is appropriate for an organization to have an idea on the basic functioning and installation of the LAN and Wireless LAN (WLAN) Wiring Considerations. Focusing on the wireless LANs, they are often the hosts into which the WLANs are connected to. In the process of their installation and maintenance, various processes are involved that include antenna policy, rate of recurrence of the frequencies and the communicating transmitters (Kahmen et. al., 2008). Focusing onto the WLAN Notions and Constituents, we already have got the basic idea on the wireless devices. Ranging from notebooks to smart phones, each and every device has got an in-built wireless card slot. It enables the gadget to be able to operate on a WLAN wiring consideration. In certain instances, enterprises and organizations are set up in search a way that the host is not directly attached to the device being used (Janevski, 2003). It is often stationed at a particular place in the office and from it, data can be transmitted to

Friday, December 13, 2019

Hesi Topics Free Essays

Potential Community Health HESI Topic Areas These are some additional areas you may want to considering being familiar with: Ancathosis nigricans A skin condition characterized by dark, thick, velvety skin in body folds and creases. Most often, acanthosis nigricans affects your armpits, groin and neck. There’s no specific treatment for acanthosis nigricans † but treating any underlying conditions, such as diabetes and obesity, may cause the changes in your skin changes to fade Characteristics of acanthosis nigricans include: Skin changes. We will write a custom essay sample on Hesi Topics or any similar topic only for you Order Now Skin changes are the only signs of acanthosis nigricans. You’ll notice dark, thick, velvety skin in body folds and creases † typically in your armpits, groin and neck. Sometimes the lips, palms or soles of the feet are affected as well. Slow progression. The skin changes appear slowly, sometimes over months or years. Possible itching. Rarely, the affected areas may itch. Acanthosis nigricans is often associated with conditions that increase your insulin level, such as type 2 diabetes or being overweight. If your insulin level is too high, the extra insulin may trigger activity in your skin cells. This may cause the characteristic skin changes. Question pertained to nurse checking for lice and noticing dark patch of skin on neck. Advisor role Antepartum – risk factors Anthrax incubation and exposure Assess trends and patterns Assessing income Assessment – validation Assignments – home care; Make sure students know how to prioritize home health clients (i. e. which ones to see/call back first. ) When given the choice between a patient with COPD who is short of breath, a terminally ill pt who refuses to eat or drink, or a pt with congestive heart failure who has gained 3 lbs, choose the last one. Asthma triage Battering-communication If the question pertains to a nurse suspecting a female patient has been abused and the woman has her child in the room with her, the nurse should ask the child to leave the room and question the woman about the abuse. The question does not pe rtain to the child being abused. Breast cancer-risk (who is at greatest risk) Calculate rate – population COBRA-cost (client still has to pay for expenses) When the question asks what would be a concern for a person who has lost their Job but has COBRA, the answer is paying for health care/expenses. Communicable disease (pertussis) Community – assessment Community Assessment – TB Community data source Community education – evaluate Community resource – elderly Community resources-population age Community resources – rural Community strategies – mental deficiencies Cultural competence Cultural -lactose intolerant Cultural – Native American (Native Americans are at high risk for diabetes – have the highest rates, so the nurse needs to screen for and educate about this). Culturally sensitive teaching CV disease – African American Diabetes AIC If a nurse is working in a community with high rates of diabetes and implements a program, at the end of 1 year (or whatever evaluation period is stated) the nurse will ant to evaluate hemoglobin A1 C levels to determine effectiveness of program. Disaster – Cholera (Priority for treating those with cholera: fluid and electrolytes) Disaster- Professional Disaster – red tag triage Disaster planning Disaster Preparedness – START Disaster triage – color system Elder abuse-Home setting Elder health – assessment Employee health Epidemiological triad host Epidemiological triad agent Fall in home Family assistance – ophthalmic meds Family ecomap Flu vaccine-priority Gatekeeper Genetic risk – assessment Geriatrics – home nutrition Geriatric syndrome – home health GTD-hCG values Health Promotion Program – Planning Heart healthy diet – limit Heat stroke If an adolescent is playing sports at school and goes to the school nurse with red, dry skin and other symptoms of heat stroke, the first thing the nurse should do is call for emergency personnel (not assess). Hepatitis A – risk Main route is through fecal-oral Hep B vaccine – pregnancy Hepatovax B allergy Home care referral Home Health – Management Home health – PT Home safety – post arthroplasty Hypertension-BP measure Immunize – 3rd world country Immunization rates Increase vaccination rates Infant mortality rate Influenza -prophylactic Relenza Lillian Wald – Henry Street (she established the Henry Street Settlement) Focused on cleanliness, staff was educated, and ventilation Lipid screening Long-term care-infection Long-term car – fall prevention Meals-on-wheels Medicare Menomune vaccine Migrant worker risks Morbidity data – gather Morbidity data-glaucoma If a nurse is working with an elderly population and most of them are choosing to get a surgery that will CURE glaucoma, then the nurse will be concerned with assessing prevalence of glaucoma (not morbidity). Needs assessment Neighborhood safe houses Neuman model – line of defense Obese children-parent involvement Occupational health – smoking Occupational nurse practitioner role Oral contraceptives – smokers Osteoporosis – prevention Outcome evaluation Polypharmacy – GERI Post vaccination teaching Primary prevention – adolescents Primary prevention – WIC Priority – HF lab results Program goal setting Quality Care – nursing home Quality Care – public clinic management Quality health – bicycle safety Rash with fever – PEDI (chicken pox) Ritalin evaluation – adolescent Assessing intervention with ADHD in an adolescent: get their feedback on mprovement, as their self-esteem is priority School age screen (obesity) School nurse role If an adolescent comes to a school nurse and tells her she is pregnant, the nurse will want to implement measures to ensure the teen and her baby are healthy. These things include referral to prenatal care, encouragi ng prenatal vitamins, etc. The nurse will NOT tell the parents and things like arranging childcare or teaching breastfeeding are not something the school nurse will be involved in. screening – DM – PEDI Screening priority Question regarding hypothyroidism and the nurse recognizes that mental ysfunction is a long-term consequence. What is screening priority? Answers included screening for T3 in preschoolers or children (? ), iodine screening in people over 60, TSH in women over 45, and T4 in newborns. The answer is T4 in newborns. Seat belt safety-adolescents Secondary prevention – tobacco Secondary prevention – children Sensitivity of tests Social organization Stakeholder If a community health nurse is going into a community to try to develop or implement an intervention, remember one of the key things he/she must do is form a relationship with someone who would be identified as the stakeholder. Stakeholders will be someone who is invested in the health of the community and will be invested in the program to be implemented. They will be vital in the nurse gaining access into the community, the success of the program, and ensuring the sustainability of the program. STD-Reporting If an adolescent goes to the health dept and is diagnosed with chlamydia, the nurse must report this. It is a reportable disease that is monitored by the state and the CDC, and the disease intervention specialist must be informed to do contact tracing. How to cite Hesi Topics, Papers